For all students to develop an understanding of the evolutionary society in which we live and challenge their perspectives on matters to promote empathy and respect.
Our students will be engaged mentally, physically, socially and spiritually to make well-informed decisions/choices whilst developing their resilience throughout the conscious curriculum provisions and connectivity of the class reads.
Here at OSSMA, we look to develop our students holistically. This is often achieved by challenging the student’s perspectives and actively engaging them in societal matters.
With the conscious curriculum, PSHE has become more interrelated with other subjects to promote empathy and resilience within their learning. PSHE lessons promote kindness and respect for everyone, which is a lifelong OSSMA legacy we wish for all of our students.
OFSTED (2017)
“Students are ambitious and speak positively about the good careers advice and guidance they receive. This includes taught sessions in the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum and support from an external careers adviser.”
The class reads to enhance the student’s connectivity with the core values of the academy. Similarly, the class reads support the student’s engagement with discussions in PSHE lessons as well as developing empathy and kindness.
The class reads promote a theme throughout the block, supporting the student’s understanding of the topic.
Year 7 have the opportunity to develop their resilience and kindness whilst reading Wonder. Students are able to reflect upon how they treat others and how they have adapted to the change and transitions in schools.
Year 8 have the opportunity to reflect on their ambitions through reading “Of Mice and Men” to develop their confidence and enthusiasm towards their futures.
Year 9 have the opportunity to develop their empathy whilst reading “THUG (The Hate U Give)” and reflecting upon diverse cultures.
Alongside the PSHE provision at OSSMA, students will also have access to the sensory wellbeing room throughout PSHE lessons. This is where students will have the opportunity to develop their mental health coping strategies as well as practising self-care. In addition to this facility, some students will also have the opportunity of being involved in Dog Therapy sessions, working alongside a professional Dog Therapist, where they will learn how to manage their emotions (in different situations) as well as develop their self-esteem and confidence.