‘It’s hard to blend in when you were born to stand out!’

PSHE Vision:

For all students to develop an understanding of the evolutionary society in which we live and challenge their perspectives on matters to promote empathy and respect.

Our students will be engaged mentally, physically, socially and spiritually to make well-informed decisions/choices whilst developing their resilience throughout the conscious curriculum provisions and connectivity of the class reads.


Here at OSSMA, we look to develop our students holistically. This is often achieved by challenging the student’s perspectives and actively engaging them in societal matters.

With the conscious curriculum, PSHE has become more interrelated with other subjects to promote empathy and resilience within their learning. PSHE lessons promote kindness and respect for everyone, which is a lifelong OSSMA legacy we wish for all of our students.

OFSTED (2017)

“Students are ambitious and speak positively about the good careers advice and guidance they receive. This includes taught sessions in the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum and support from an external careers adviser.”

  • To prepare students for adulthood by developing their understanding of the world that they live in.
  • To promote empathy, tolerance and respect towards diverse communities.
  • To provide a greater understanding of personal factors which can affect the quality of their life and knowledge of how to manage these effectively, instilling confidence.
  • To develop students’ resilience so that they can overcome any adversity with confidence.
  • To challenge their opinions on current affairs and promote enthusiasm for societal matters.
  • To actively engage with being a healthy, positive, law-abiding citizen in their adulthood.
  • To equip the students with the necessary skills to make informed decisions regarding their futures/aspirations/daily functions, enhancing their XXXX
  • To challenge stereotypes and prejudice within society and learn to respect all communities.
  • To develop confidence in their critical thinking skills, which will support students when making informed choices/decisions within adulthood.
  • To promote kindness, tolerance and respect towards all.
  • All PSHE lessons develop empathy within our students and the confidence to discuss important matters.
  • PSHE lessons allow our students to address current matters, reflect on its impact and challenge them to bring about change in a safe and controlled environment.
  • The students are able to dream and set big ambitions for themselves and learn the coping mechanisms to develop resilience to achieve their potential.
  • All topics are relatable to every single student. Perspectives on certain matters may be different, thus promoting the levels of diversity, yet tolerance, acceptance and respect are upheld.

The class reads to enhance the student’s connectivity with the core values of the academy. Similarly, the class reads support the student’s engagement with discussions in PSHE lessons as well as developing empathy and kindness.

The class reads promote a theme throughout the block, supporting the student’s understanding of the topic.

Year 7 have the opportunity to develop their resilience and kindness whilst reading Wonder. Students are able to reflect upon how they treat others and how they have adapted to the change and transitions in schools.

Year 8 have the opportunity to reflect on their ambitions through reading “Of Mice and Men” to develop their confidence and enthusiasm towards their futures.

Year 9 have the opportunity to develop their empathy whilst reading “THUG (The Hate U Give)” and reflecting upon diverse cultures.

  1. Transition into secondary
  2. Managing friendships
  3. Personal hygiene
  4. Diet, exercise and physical activity
  5. Financial education
  6. British Values
  7. Aspirations
  8. Bullying
  9. Managing puberty
  10. Physical and mental health choices
  11. Romance and family life
  12. Consent
  13. Managing peer influences
  14. Diversity and equality
  15. Understanding emotions
  16. Managing with loss, separation and change
  1. Rights and responsibilities of living in a community
  2. British Values
  3. Financial education (ethical decisions making)
  4. Personal Safety
  5. Raising aspirations
  6. Careers
  7. Crime and deviance
  8. Tackling discrimination
  9. Society and law
  10. Alcohol and drugs (laws and risks)
  11. Managing mental and emotional wellbeing
  12. Healthy relationships
  13. Harmful Sexual Behaviours
  1. Understanding careers and future aspirations
  2. Political citizenship
  3. Gender identities
  4. Homophobia, transphobia
  5. Gang and knife crime culture
  6. Community responsibilities
  7. Assessing drug and alcohol abuse and addiction
  8. Managing peer pressure
  9. Dieting, lifestyle and coping mechanisms
  10. Managing conflict
  11. Consent
  12. Law and order (consent, legal age, trafficking)
  13. Sexting 
  14. Mental Health Management
  1. Tackling mental health (stigma)
  2. Stress and anxiety (management)
  3. Media and role models
  4. Financial education (impact, risks and consequences)
  5. Living for the future
  6. Laws and legislations
  7. Crime and punishment (laws surrounding sexual behaviours) 
  8. Being safe (in relationships)
  9. Different family settings and roles within
  10. Sexting/sexually transmitted infections
  11. Homelessness
  12. Looking after the adult me
  13. Mental Health
  14. Pregnancy
  15. Fertility and Miscarriage
  1. British values
  2. Community cohesion
  3. Exam Preparation
  4. Revision strategies
  5. Growing up
  6. Managing attention
  7. Political citizenship
  8. Acceptance/management of different relationships
  9. Relationship and violence (signs, laws and consequences)

Alongside the PSHE provision at OSSMA, students will also have access to the sensory wellbeing room throughout PSHE lessons. This is where students will have the opportunity to develop their mental health coping strategies as well as practising self-care. In addition to this facility, some students will also have the opportunity of being involved in Dog Therapy sessions, working alongside a professional Dog Therapist,  where they will learn how to manage their emotions (in different situations) as well as develop their self-esteem and confidence.