British Values

British values are at the heart of everything we do. The students are fully conversant with these values and we try to embed them into our way of life every day.

To embody democracy we have the School Council, regular pupil voice, and each week, we vote on an SMSC issue. For example, ‘ Does the media encourage terrorism?’ The prefects also have a major role in communicating views throughout the academy. Opportunities are taken to have mock elections parallel with general elections and we partake in local democracy and national democracy with visits to the local council and Parliament.

Rule of law is embedded in our philosophy of non-negotiable behaviours and the mantra, ‘Manners maketh the man.’

Individual liberty is promoted through the philosophy of every child having the opportunity to reach their potential by creating an environment of possibilities and cultural experiences.

Mutual respect and tolerance are promoted through our curriculum, PSHE programme, and Reflection Time that takes place each week for the whole school. However, the whole culture and ethos reflect these two values as we embrace diversity and accept nothing less than mutual respect for each other or any individual in our academy.