Welcome to our OSSMA family.
We cannot wait for you to start at our academy, and become part of our OSSMA family.
Careers Guidance
The academy has a planned programme of careers education and advice, providing students with the knowledge, understanding and skills in order to make realistic career decisions.
Curriculum Overview
We passionately believe that the role of our curriculum is to eradicate any barriers to success. When a student finishes at OSSMA they can embark on a successful adult life as a result of the experiences they have shared with us.
Beaconsfield Drive Blurton Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST3 3JD
Tel: 01782 88 22 00
Opening Hours : Mon: 8:40am - 3:25pm Tue: 8:40am - 3:25pm Wed: 8:40am - 2.10pm Thu: 8:40am - 3:25pm Fri: 8:40am - 3:25pm Total time: 32.5 hours p/week
Principal: Kelly Hassall
Vice Principal: Jo Croft Vice Principal: Sarah Williams For general enquiries, please contact Mrs J Alcock For Finance queries, please email [email protected]
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