Governor List

Current Governors at Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy are:

Tony Dickens
Chair of Governors

Tony is a Sponsor Governor and the Chair of Governors

Andrea Handley
Vice Chair of Governors

Andrea joined a 1st tier supplier in the Automotive Industry in 2006.  She has spent many years working as a Data Manager but moved across to the Infrastructure team in 2019.  She believes it is never too late to learn new skills!

Andrea joined the Governance team in 2013 as she is passionate about children receiving the best education and wanted to be more involved in the process.

Outside of her professional world she enjoys DIY and is currently running many projects at home. She also likes to get out and about, most recently, walking up Ingleborough Peak with one of her sons 

Kelly Hassall

Kelly Hassall is the Principal of Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy.

Elizabeth Spooner
Community Governor

Elizabeth Spooner is now a retired teacher, having taught for 40 years in Cheshire and Staffordshire. The last 20 years were as Head Teacher of a successful special school in Stoke-on-Trent.

Elizabeth now enjoys a busy retirement, living near Stafford.

Adrian Hurst
Community Governor

Adrian Hurst joined Stoke City Football Club in 1992 as a volunteer. Since 2000 he has been the Head of the Community Trust and is responsible for overseeing all the Clubs Charitable and Community work.

The rapid growth and development of professional sports club’s community departments have seen Stoke City Community Trust recognised as one of the prominent organisations in their field. He has sat on several Premier League advisory groups informing both policy and practice. 

Stoke City Community Trust currently employ over a hundred staff.

Adrian gained a MA in Community Practice from Staffordshire University in 2010.

Les Leese
Sponsor Governor

Les is Head of ICT Integration for Ormiston Academies Trust.

Louise Brooks
Sponsor Governor

Louise is a HR Partner for Ormiston Academies Trust

Emma Sproston
Parent Governor

Emma works in exports for a manufacturing company and has two children at the academy.

Her particular areas of focus are literacy and languages.

Chloe Brown
Staff Governor

Chloe is a Staff Governor

Wayne Trevor
Staff Governor

Wayne is a Staff Governor and has worked for OSSMA since its creation in 2010 and previously for Blurton High School. Wayne has served the Blurton community for over 20 years.

Chair of local governing body

NameShared withAppointed byFromTo
Anthony DickensNot recordedAppointed by foundation/Trust15 January 202414 January 2027

Local governors

NameShared withAppointed byFromTo
Adrian HurstNot recordedAppointed by GB/board1 September 201031 August 2026
Andrea HandleyNot recordedAppointed by GB/board1 September 201331 August 2025
Chloe BrownNot recordedElected by school staff9 October 20238 October 2027
Emma SprostonNot recordedElected by parents28 March 202327 March 2027
Kelly HassellNot recordedEx-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal1 September 2023Not recorded
Les LeeseNot recordedAppointed by foundation/Trust1 September 201031 August 2026
Liz SpoonerNot recordedAppointed by GB/board1 September 201031 August 2026
Louise BrooksNot recordedAppointed by foundation/Trust1 May 202430 April 2028
Wayne TrevorNot recordedElected by school staff9 October 20238 October 2027

Board Members who have served over the previous 12 months

NameDate of AppointmentResignation Date
Jamie Taylor01/09/2201/01/25
Gemma Ash01/10/2301/02/25