
Homework at OSSMA is set consistently with the aim of complimenting what is taught in lessons. Each year group has a bespoke homework timetable to assist their classroom learning at home. Through directed learning tasks that are proven to promote knowledge retention and boost the progress of students over time, we aim to make homework more relevant to the key knowledge our students need to master their subjects, whilst making progress independently beyond the classroom.

Research carried out by the EEF (Education Endowment Fund) and educational researchers like John Hattie shows that where homework is specifically linked to the learning that takes place in the classroom and then studied at home, an additional five months of progress per student can be made.

As an academy, we introduce our students to techniques that help make this key knowledge stick, through use of self-quizzing and then fortnightly short ‘Factual Recall Tests’ within lessons, we build the level of knowledge stored in the brain that can then be used in any scenario. Based on how students perform in these Factual Recall Tests helps teachers to identify areas of strength and weakness before then introducing the next topic of their subjects.

Homework is set by the classroom teacher and the expectation is that homework is completed to a high standard by every student. If the overall standard of homework is not to the expected rate or not completed, the classroom teacher will issue a detention and a B2. The detention will take place at break time or lunchtime for 10 minutes. If the student fails to attend the detention this then escalates to a Head of Department detention taking place after school. If the issue surrounding homework persists then the class teacher will discuss the issue further with parents/carers. Equally, where homework is completed consistently and to a high standard students will be rewarded for their efforts. The rewards will take place once per half term for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Regular quality assurance of homework set across all year groups will take place, ensuring that homework is setting students up for success and expanding their knowledge. As an academy we strive to develop kind, enthusiastic, versatile individuals; building resilience, through challenging them, allowing them to experience and create empathy, whilst also building their confidence. Homework instils many of our core values as well as improving and developing classroom learning.

Homework timetables for Years 7-10 are available to download from the links below.

  • Homework at OSSMA is set consistently to complement what is taught in lessons, promoting knowledge retention and boosting students’ progress over time.
  • Homework will use either: Knowledge Organisers for that block, Internet resources such as GCSEPod, Seneca and Heggarty maths or a specific resource chosen by your teacher.
  • Even homework completed online should have written notes in the homework book to be checked.

Key Stage 3 

All homework is set in each student’s planner. Each student’s homework timetable is bespoke, linking to their individual timetable and will change and be updated over time. These are also kept in the Student’s Planner.

Key Stage 4 

  • You are expected to complete 20 minutes of homework for 2 subjects each weeknight.
  • The subjects will depend on your chosen options, but each subject should be studied at least once a week.
  • Sometimes homework for a particular subject will take longer than 20 minutes, notes should be recorded in HW books and then shown to form tutors during monitoring in the morning.

Our Homework Guide can be downloaded from the link below.

Homework Guide

Our Revision Support Booklet can be downloaded from the link below.

Revision Support Booklet