Pupil Passport Review Evening

Pupil Passport Review Evening

On Wednesday, 19th June 2024, we will host our SEND Pupil Passport evening at the academy. This is an opportunity for you to visit the academy and meet the SEND support team to review your child’s pupil passport. It will also give you the chance to get input on targets and strategies for the ongoing academic year.

The pupil passport is shared with academy staff to inform their practice and allow them to know the best approaches to employ when working with our students. As parents and carers, your input is greatly valued as you have vital knowledge and experience to inform what is included in the passport.

The passport is a working document intended to be a partnership between home and school. There may be tasks that parents/carers can monitor and evaluate at home. Your collaboration and support are vital for successful outcomes.

The evening will begin at 2:30 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it on this date, please contact us at the academy, and we will do our utmost to arrange an alternative time for you.

In order to book an appointment slot for the evening, please access the online booking system via the link below or else by visiting the academy’s main webpage and navigating to:


From here, you can choose an appropriate time to attend with the relevant support staff member for your child.

If there are any issues with booking or attending, please feel free to contact me via the below email:

[email protected]

I look forward to seeing you all on the evening of Wednesday, 19th June 2024.

Yours sincerely,

Assistant Principal SENCO

A guide on how to use the system can be downloaded below.